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Block 1750


Block 1750 is a dance studio and community center based in Boulder, CO dedicated to providing dance classes, workshops, live events, performances, and more. It is a place where people can go to study, relax, hang out with friends, and build their leadership skills through dance and art. Block 1750's main purpose is community.

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empath worldwide helped Block 1750:

  • Bring in new students by increasing social media presence

  • Create a more cohesive design and brand toolkit

  • Establish Block 1750's “why” and messaging more clearly


empath worldwide engaged with different communities on Instagram and Facebook to raise awareness of Block 1750 by commenting and direct messaging other communities in Colorado (i.e. homeschooled community and at-risk youth). We created a brand book by building on established aesthetic as well as templates for regular social media posting. empath worldwide also established a crisis communications plan in preparation for possible COVID complications.

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As a result of empath worldwide's three-month engagement with Block 1750, Block 1750 saw:

  • A list of 26 social media accounts to engage with

  • A13 page brand book

  • Social media templates

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