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MEDIAGIRLS is a nonprofit that strives to help girls understand the messages the media displays to help empower their identity. MEDIAGIRLS' mission is "to teach girls and young women to become critical media consumers."



empath worldwide helped MEDIAGIRLS:

  • Increase social media engagement through original, missionaligned content creation

    • Deliverable 1: templates for social media calendar (including objectives)

    • Deliverable 2: Create Trello account and start lining up content for SM interns

  • Creation and expansion of assets to strengthen existing͉ brand image The challenges we were faced with included learning how to conduct website redevelopment. It was difficult to create cohesive branding between the website and social media platforms.

    • Deliverable 1: Expand resources to all social media accounts + TikTok 

    • Deliverable 2: Reorganize website (add two tabs one for COVID-19)

    • Deliverable 3: Create a consistent podcast cover photo template



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When empath worldwide started working with MEDIAGIRLS, In August there were 16 posts and a reach of 27k. As a result of empath worldwide's three-month engagement with MEDIAGIRLS, MEDIAGIRLS saw:

  • 26 posts per month

  • A reach of 44k, which means that we almost doubled MEDIAGIRLS reach

  • Trello and social media calendars that help provide a better posting schedule and media identity

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